Readarr Settings

From Servarr

Readarr Settings

Media Management

Note: Some of these settings are only visible through 'show advanced' settings which is on the top bar under the search bar

Root Folders

Readarr is unique in that it can integrate with an outside application known as Calibre to further manage, tag and even serv up your media to various readers

  • Name - This is a unique name for the given path
  • Path - This is where your media is going to be stored (do not have your downloads going here)
  • Calibre Library - Toggle if you're going to use Calibre to further manage your library
  • Calibre Host - The IP address for your Calibre instance
  • Calibre Port - The port number associated to your Calibre instance
  • Calibre Url Base - Adds a prefix to the calibre url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]
  • Calibre User Name - The username in order to access your Calibre server
  • Calibre Password - The password in order to access your Calibre server
  • Convert to format - Calibre has the ability to convert any incoming format to a specific format (eg. epub or mobi just to name a few)
  • Calibre Output Profile - ????
  • Use SSL - Toggle if you'd like Readarr to connect to Calibre using SSL encryption
  • Monitor
    • All books - Readarr will monitor all books in your library
    • Future Books - Readarr will only monitor future books, Readarr will not monitor any current or older books
    • Missing - Readarr will only monitor any books that are missing
    • Existing - Readarr will monitor only existing books in order to meet your given cutoff
    • First - Readarr will only monitor the given author's first book
    • Last - Readarr will only monitor the given author's last book
    • None - Readarr will not monitor any authors books
  • Quality Profile - These can be changed within the Profiles section and will dictate what quality is acceptable
  • Metadata Profile - This can be changed within the Metadata section and will dictate what metadata source
    • Standard is set by default
    • Select 'None' to only include items manually added via search or that match files on disk
  • Default Readarr Tags - Select what tag you'd like to set for this content (more information on Tags can be found here)


  • Rename Books - If this is toggled off (no check in the box) Readarr will use the existing file name if renaming is disabled
  • Replace Illegal Characters - If this is toggled off (no check in the box) Readarr will replace illegal characters.
Example: \ # / $ * < > just to name a few
Standard Book Format

Here you will select the naming convention for the actual audio files

  • Dropdown Box (upper right corner)
    • Left Box - Space Handling
      • Space ( ) - Use spaces in naming (Default)
      • Period (.) - Use periods in lieu of spaces in naming
      • Underscore (_) - Use underscores in lieu of spaces in naming
      • Dash (-) - Use dashes in lieu of spaces in naming
    • Right Box - Case Handling
      • Default Case - Make title uppercase and lowercase (~camelcase) (Default)
      • Uppercase - Make title all uppercase
      • Lowercase - Make title all lowercase
Input Result
{Author Name} Author Name
{Author CleanName} Author Name
{Author NameThe} Author Name, The
{Author Disambiguation} Disambiguation
Input Result
{Book Title} Book Title
{Book CleanTitle} Book Title
{Book Disambiguation} Disambiguation
{Book TitleThe} Book Title, The
{Book Type} Book Type
Release Date
Input Result
{Release Year} 2020
Input Result
{medium:0} 1
{medium:00} 01
Medium Format
Input Result
{Medium Format} CD
Input Result
{Quality Full} FLAC Proper
{Quality Title} FLAC
Media Info
Input Result
{MediaInfo AudioCodec} FLAC
{MediaInfo AudioBitRate} 320kbps
{MediaInfo AudioSampleRate} 44.1kHz
{MediaInfo AudioChannels} 2.0
{MediaInfo AudioBitsPerSample} 24bit
Input Result
{Release Group} Rls Grp
{Preferred Words} iNTERNAL
  • Preferred words will be the word or words that were the literal matches of any preferred words you have. The above example would be a preferred word of iNTERNAL or similarly a preferred word of /\b(amzn|amazon)\b(?=[ ._-]web[ ._-]?(dl|rip)\b)/i would return AMZN or Amazon
Input Result
{Original Title} Author.Name.Book.Name.2020.FLAC.EVOLVE
{Original Filename} 01-book name
  • Original Filename is not recommended. It is the literal original filename and may be obfuscated t1i0p3s7i8yuti.
  • Original Title is the release name is is what is suggested to be used.
Author Folder Format

Here you will select the naming convention for the Author Folder

  • Dropdown Box (upper right corner)
    • Left hand one - Replaces all spaces with selected variable
    • Right hand one - Sets to default upper and Lowercase, all lowercase or all uppercase
Input Result
{Author Name} Author Name
{Author CleanName} Author Name
{Author NameThe} Author Name, The
{Author Disambiguation} Disambiguation


  • Create Empty Media folders - This will create an empty folder during disk scan
  • Delete Empty Folders - This will remove any empty folders during disk scan


  • Skip Free Space Check - Use when Readarr is unable to detect free space from your author root folder
  • Minimum Free Space - Toggling this will prevent import if it would leave less than this amount of disk space available
  • Use Hard links instead of Copy - Use Hard links when trying to copy files from torrents that are still being seeded (for more information on this click here)
  • Import Extra Files - Import matching extra files (subtitles, nfo, etc) after importing a file

File Management

  • Ignore Deleted Books - Books deleted from disk are automatically unmonitored in Readarr
  • Propers and Repacks - Should Readarr automatically upgrade to propers when available? (see link for explanation on Proper and Repack)
    • Prefer and Upgrade - will prefer proper/repack if one is available (gives it a higher rating)
    • Do not upgrade automatically - This will not allow it to upgrade automatically but will still be rated accordingly.
    • Do not prefer - Use 'Do not Prefer' to sort by preferred word score over propers/repacks, essentially putting the proper/repack lower on the list
  • Watch Root Folders for file changes - Rescan automatically when files change in a root folder
  • Rescan Author Folder after Refresh
    • Always - This will rescan author folder based upon Tasks Schedule
    • After Manual Refresh - You will have to manually rescan the disk
    • Never - Just as it says, never rescan the author folder.
  • Allow Fingerprinting - Use fingerprinting to improve accuracy of book matching
    • Always - This will analyze the file when matching
    • For New Imports Only - This will analyze only new imports
    • Never - just as it says, never fingerprint the book
  • Change File Date
    • None - Readarr will not change the date that shows in your given file browser
    • Book Release Date - The date the book was released
  • Recycling Bin - Designate a location for deleted files to go to (just in case you want to retrieve them before the bin is taken out)
  • Recycling Bin Cleanup - This is how old a given file can be before it is deleted permanently


  • Set Permissions - This will allow Readarr to set the given file permission when a given file is imported or renamed
  • chmod folder - This is the permission level that Readarr will set for a given file on import or rename (more information HERE)
    • The drop down box has a preset list of very commonly used permissions that can be used. However, you can manually enter a folder octal if you wish.
  • chmod Group - This only works if the user running Readarr is the owner of the file. It's better to ensure the download client uses the same group as Readarr.


Quality Profiles

  • Here you'll be allowed to set profiles for which you can have for the quality of series you're looking to download.
  • When selecting an existing profile or adding an additional profile a new window will appear
    • Name - Here you'll select a UNIQUE name for the profile to which you are creating
    • Upgrades allowed -
      • Audio Books - If you tell Readarr to download a MP3-320 file as it is the first release of a specific episode then later somebody is able to upload a FLAC then with this selected Readarr will automatically upgrade to the better quality
        Note: This is only if you have FLAC higher than MP3-320 within the Qualities section
      • E-Books - Quality settings are based upon preferences, if you want an ePub over Mobi file format
    • Qualities - For definitions for qualities please click HERE
    • Edit Groups - Some qualities are grouped together to reduce the size of the list as well grouping like releases.
      • Qualities higher in the list are more preferred. Qualities within the same group are equal. Only checked qualities are wanted
      • Audio Book Qualities are set higher than ebook qualities however this does not mean an audio book will be downloaded before an ebook

Metadata Profiles

  • Here you'll be allowed to set profiles for which you can have for the releases of a given author
  • When selecting an existing profile or adding an additional profile a new window will appear
    • Name - Here you'll select a UNIQUE name for the profile to which you are creating
    • Minimum Popularity - Popularity is average rating * number of votes
    • Skip books with missing release date - Readarr will skip any books that do not have a release date to them
    • Skip books with no ISBN or ASIN
    • Skip part books and sets - Readarr will skip books that are broken into parts or sets
    • Skip secondary series books - ???
    • Allowed Languages - Set which languages Readarr will look for

Delay Profiles

  • Delay profiles allow you to reduce the number of releases that will be downloaded for an Book, by adding a delay while Readarr will continue to watch for releases that better match your preferences.
    • Protocol - This will either be Usenet or Torrent depending on which download protocol you're using
    • Usenet Delay - Set by the number of minutes you'll want to wait before the download to start
    • Torrent Delay - Set by the number of minutes you'll want to wait before the download to start
    • Bypass if Highest Quality - Bypass the delay profile if the highest quality for that Book is found and grab once the first instance of the highest ranked quality is found. Otherwise wait for the best quality release until the end of the delay period.
    • Tags - This is where you'll select any relevant tags that you'll be using for this scheme
  • Wrench icon - This will allow you to edit the delay profile
  • Plus icon - Create a new profile

Example: Some media will receive half a dozen different releases of varying quality in the hours after a release, and without delay profiles Readarr might try to download all of them. With delay profiles, Readarr can be configured to ignore the first few hours of releases.

Delay profiles are also helpful if you want to emphasize one protocol (Usenet or BitTorrent) over the other. (See Example 3)

How Delay Profiles Work

The timer begins as soon as Readarr detects an Book has a release available. This release will show up in your Queue with a clock icon to indicate that it is under a delay. Please note that the clock starts from the releases uploaded time and not from the time Readarr sees it.

During the delay period, any new releases that become available will be noted by Readarr. When the delay timer expires, Readarr will download the single release which best matches your quality preferences.

The timer period can be different for Usenet and Torrents. Each profile can be associated with one or more tags to allow you to customize which shows have which profiles. A delay profile with no tag is considered the default and applies to all shows that do not have a specific tag.

NOTE: Delay profiles start from the timestamp that the indexer reports the release was uploaded. This means that any content older than the number of minutes you have set are not impacted in any way by your delay profile, and will be downloaded immediately. In addition, any manual searches for content (non-RSS feed searches) will ignore delay profile settings.


For each example, assume the user has the follow quality profile active: PDF and above are allowed MOBI is the quality cutoff * EPUB is the highest ranked quality

Example 1:

In this simple example, the profile is set with a 120 minute (two hour) delay for both Usenet and Torrent.

At 11:00pm the first release for an Book is detected by Readarr and it was uploaded at 10:50pm and the 120 minute clock begins. At 12:50am, Readarr will evaluate any releases it has found in the past two hours, and download the best one, which is MOBI.

At 3:00am another release is found, which is MOBI that was added to your indexer at 2:46am. Another 120 minute clock begins. At 4:46am the best-available release is downloaded. Since the quality cutoff is now reached, the Book no longer is upgradable and Readarr will stop looking for new releases.

At any point, if a EPUB release is found, it will be downloaded immediately because it is the highest-ranking quality. If there is a delay timer currently active it will be cancelled.

Example 2:

This example has different timers for Usenet and Torrents. Assume a 120 minute timer for Usenet and a 180 minute timer for BitTorrent.

At 11:00pm the first release for an Book is detected by Readarr and both timers begin. The release was added to the indexer at 10:15pm At 12:15am, Readarr will evaluate any releases, and if there are any acceptable Usenet releases, the best one will be downloaded and both timers will end. If not, Readarr will wait until 12:15am and download the best release, regardless of which source it came from.

Example 3:

A common use for delay profiles is to emphasize one protocol over another. For example, you might only want to download a BitTorrent release if nothing has been uploaded to Usenet after a certain amount of time.

You could set a 60 minute timer for BitTorrent, and a 0 minute timer for Usenet.

If the first release that is detected is from Usenet, Readarr will download it immediately.

If the first release is from BitTorrent, Readarr will set a 60 minute timer. If any qualifying Usenet release is detected during that timer, the BitTorrent release will be ignored and the Usenet release will be grabbed.

Release Profiles


Quality Table Meanings

  • Title - The name of the Quality in the GUI (configurable)
  • Max - The maximum Kilobytes per second (KB/s) a quality can have.
  • Kilobytes Per Second - Self Explanatory
  • Min - The minimum Kilobytes per second (KB/s) a quality can have.
  • Preferred - The preferred Kilobytes per second (KB/s) a quality can have.
  • Quality - The scene quality name (hardcoded)
  • Size Limit - Self Explanatory

Quality Definitions

  • Unknown - Self Explanatory
  • PDF - A PDF file is a multi-platform document created by Adobe Acrobat or another PDF application. The PDF format is commonly used for saving documents and publications in a standard format that can be viewed on multiple platforms. In many cases, PDF files are created from existing documents instead of from scratch. With that being said PDF isn't a book format it is originally designed as a printing format so a lot of features you'll find with other formats will not be available.
  • MOBI - A MOBI file is an eBook saved in the MOBI format, a format originally used by the Mobipocket Reader but now supported by several different readers. It contains an eBook and may incorporate DRM copyright protection to prevent copying or unauthorized viewing. MOBI files are supported by various eReaders, tablets, PDAs, and desktop computer applications.
  • EPUB - An EPUB file is a digital ebook saved in the EPUB format, an open XML-based format for digital books and publications. It provides a standard digital publication format for publishers and consumers. EPUB files can be viewed with supporting software programs and hardware devices, such as the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK.
  • AZW3 - An AZW3 file is an eBook created in the Kindle Format 8 (KF8), Amazon's successor to the .AZW format. It supports newer features such as HTML5 and CSS3 support as well as many other formatting capabilities. AZW3 files often include DRM protection and are used as the download format for many Amazon eBooks.
  • MP3-320 - An MP3 file with a 320 kbps bitrate
  • FLAC - A FLAC file is an audio file compressed in the Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) format, which is an open source lossless audio compression format. It is similar to a .MP3 file, but is compressed without any loss in quality or loss of any original audio data.


Once you're here you'll be adding the indexer/tracker that you'll be using to actually download any of your files. If you're curious on how Readarr works with your indexer/tracker click here

Supported Indexers
  • Usenet
    • Newznab
      • Newznab is a standardized API used by many usenet indexing sites.
      • Many presets are available, but most require an API key to be accessible.
    • Omgwtfnzbs
      • This indexer also supports newznab and is available as one of the above presets.
      • Website:
  • Torrents
    • Gazelle API
    • IP Torrents
    • Rarbg
    • Torrent RSS Feed
      • Generic torrent RSS feed parser.
      • NOTE: The RSS feed must contain a pubdate. The release size is recommended as well.
    • Torrentleech
    • Torznab
      • Known indexers: Jackett.
      • Torznab is a wordplay on Torrent and Newznab. It uses the same structure and syntax as the Newznab API specification, but exposing torrent-specific attributes and .torrent files. Thus supports a recent rss feed AND backlog searching capabilities. The specification is not maintained nor supported by the Newznab organization. (The same api specification is shared with nZEDb)
      • At this point it’s unlikely your favorite tracker supports this. Additionally you can use Jackett. It acts as a Torznab proxy adding Torznab support for more than 100 torrent trackers, but uses website scraping instead of APIs.
      • Important/Disclaimer: Many torrent trackers thrive on the community and may have rules in place that mandate site visits, karma, votes, comments and all. Please review your tracker rules and etiquette, keep your community alive.
    • We’re not responsible if your account is banned for disobeying rules or accruing HnRs/low-ratio.

Indexer Settings

Once you've clicked the + button to add a new indexer you'll be presented with a new window with many different options. For the purposes of this wiki Readarr considers both Usenet Indexers and Torrent Trackers as "Indexers".

There are two sections here: Usenet and Torrents. Based upon what download client you'll be using you'll want to select the type of indexer you'll be going with.

More information on Indexers and Trackers can be found here

Usenet Indexer Configuration
  • Newznab - Here you'll find presets of popular usenet indexers (that are pre-filled out, all you'll need is your API key which is provided by the usenet indexer of your choice) along with the ability to create a custom Indexer
  • An excellent software that works with usenet and integrates quite well with Readarr is NZBHydra2
    • Regardless of if you select a pre filled out indexer or a custom indexer setup you'll be presented with a new window to input all your settings
    • Choose from the presets or add a custom indexer (such as NZBHydra2)
    • Name - The name of the indexer in Readarr
    • Enable RSS - If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.
    • Enable Automatic Search - If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches including Search on Add
    • Enable Interactive Search - If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.
    • URL - The indexer provided URL of the indexer such as
    • API Path - The indexer provided path to the api. This is typically /api
    • API Key - The indexer provided key to access the API.
    • Categories - Default categories will be used unless edited. It is likely these default categories are suboptimal. Upon editing this setting, Readarr queries the indexer for its available categories and displays them in a selectable a list. The stale defaults will clear as soon as a category is toggled.
    • Early Download Limit - Number of days before the release date that Readarr will download from this indexer. If empty then no limit.
    • Additional Parameters - Additional Newznab parameters to add to the query link
    • Indexer Priority - Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios. 1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.
Torrent Tracker Configuration
  • As with Usenet there are an assortment of prefilled out Torrent tracker information. If you are not a member of any of these these specific trackers they will not do you any good.
  • One of the best and simplest ways to utilize Torrent trackers with Readarr is to utilize a second program called Jackett. This software pairs well with Readarr as a search indexer that houses all your information and sends it to Readarr.
  • Torznab - This option will set you up with a Jackett preset, if you utilize multiple trackers you'll need to have each entry have a unique name
  • Torznab Indexer
    • Choose from the presets or add a custom indexer (such as Jackett)
    • Name - The name of the indexer in Readarr
    • Enable RSS - If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.
    • Enable Automatic Search - If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches including Search on Add
    • Enable Interactive Search - If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.
    • URL - The indexer provided URL of the indexer such as http://localhost:9117/jackett/api/v2.0/indexers/torrentdb/results/torznab/.
    • API Path - The indexer provided path to the api. This is typically /api
    • API Key - The indexer provided key to access the API.
    • Categories - Default categories will be used unless edited. It is likely these default categories are suboptimal. Upon editing this setting, Readarr queries the indexer for its available categories and displays them in a selectable a list. The stale defaults will clear as soon as a category is toggled.
    • Early Download Limit - Number of days before the release date that Readarr will download from this indexer. If empty then no limit.
    • Additional Parameters - Additional Torznab parameters to add to the query link
    • Minimum Seeders - The minimum number of seeders required for a release from this tracker to be grabbed.
    • Seed Ratio - If empty, use the download client default. Otherwise, the minimum seed ratio required for your download client to meet for releases from this indexer prior to it being paused by your client and removed by Readarr (Requires Completed Download Handling - Remove enabled)
    • Seed Time - If empty, use the download client default. Otherwise, the minimum seed time in minutes required for your download client to meet for releases from this indexer prior to it being paused by your client and removed by Readarr (Requires Completed Download Handling - Remove enabled)
    • Indexer Priority - Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios. 1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.


  • Minimum Age - Usenet only: Minimum age in minutes of NZBs before they are grabbed. Use this to give new releases time to propagate to your usenet provider.
  • Maximum Size - Maximum size for a release to be grabbed in MB. Set to zero to set to unlimited
  • Retention - Usenet only: Set to zero to set for unlimited retention
  • RSS Sync interval - Interval in minutes. Set to zero to disable (this will stop all automatic release grabbing) Minimum: 10 minutes Maximum: 120 minutes
    • Please see How does Readarr work? for a better understanding of how RSS Sync will help you
    • Note: If Readarr has been offline for an extended period of time, Readarr will attempt to page back to find the last release it processed in an attempt to avoid missing a release. As long as your indexer supports paging and it hasn’t been too long will be able to process the releases it would have missed and avoid you needing to perform a search for the missed releases.


Not in Readarr

Download Clients


Downloading and importing is where most people experience issues. From a high level perspective, the software needs to be able to communicate with your download client and have access to the files it downloads. There is a large variety of supported download clients and an even bigger variety of setups. This means that while there are some common setups there isn't one right setup and everyone's setup can be a little different. But there are many wrong setups.

Download Clients

Usenet Process
  1. Readarr will send a download request to your client, and associate it with a label or category name that you have configured in the download client settings. Examples: movies, tv, series, music, ect.
  2. Readarr will monitor your download clients active downloads that use that category name. It monitors this via your download client's API.
  3. When the download is completed, Readarr will know the final file location as reported by your download client. This file location can be almost anywhere, as long as it is somewhere separate from your media folder and accessible by Readarr
  4. Readarr will scan that completed file location for files that Readarr can use. It will parse the file name to match it against the requested media. If it can do that, it will rename the file according to your specifications, and move it to the specified media location.
    • Atomic Moves (instant moves) are enabled by default. The file system and mounts must be the same for your completed download directory and your media library. If the the atomic move fails or your setup does not support hardlinks and atomic moves then Readarr will fall back and copy the file then delete from the source which is IO intensive.
Usenet Client Settings
  • Name - The name of the download client within Readarr
  • Enable - Enable this Download Client
  • Host - The URL of your download client
  • Port - The port of your download client
  • Use SSL - Use a secure connection with your download client. Please be aware of this common mistake.
  • URL Base - Add a prefix to the url; this is commonly needed for reverse proxies.
  • API Key - the API key to authenticate to your client
  • Username - the username to authenticate to your client (typically not needed)
  • Password- the password to authenticate to your client (typically not needed)
  • Category - the category within your download client that Readarr will use
  • Recent Priority - download client priority for recently released media
  • Older Priority - download client priority for media released not recently
  • Client Priority - Priority of the download Client. Round-Robin is used for clients of the same type (torrent/usenet) that have the same priority.
Torrent Process
  1. Readarr will send a download request to your client, and associate it with a label or category name that you have configured in the download client settings. Examples: movies, tv, series, music, ect.
  2. Readarr will monitor your download clients active downloads that use that category name. This monitoring occurs via your download client's API.
  3. Completed files are left in their original location to allow you to seed the file (ratio or time can be adjusted in the download client or from within Readarr under the specific download client). When files are imported to your media folder Readarr will hardlink the file if supported by your setup or copy if not hardlinks are not supported.
    • Hardlinks are enabled by default. A hardlink will allow not use any additional disk space. The file system and mounts must be the same for your completed download directory and your media library. If the hardlink creation fails or your setup does not support hardlinks then Readarr will fall back and copy the file.
  4. If the "Completed Download Handling - Remove" option is enabled in Readarr's settings, Readarr will delete the original file and torrent from your client, but only if the client reports that seeding is complete and torrent is stopped.
Torrent Client Settings
  • Name - The name of the download client within Readarr
  • Enable - Enable this Download Client
  • Host - The URL of your download client
  • Port - The port of your download client
  • Use SSL - Use a secure connection with your download client. Please be aware of this common mistake.
  • URL Base - Add a prefix to the url; this is commonly needed for reverse proxies.
  • Username - the username to authenticate to your client
  • Password- the password to authenticate to your client
  • Category - the category within your download client that Readarr will use
  • Post-Import Category - the category to set after the release is downloaded and imported. Please note that this breaks completed download handling removal.
  • Recent Priority - download client priority for recently released media
  • Older Priority - download client priority for media released not recently
  • Initial State - Initial state for torrents
  • Client Priority - Priority of the download Client. Round-Robin is used for clients of the same type (torrent/usenet) that have the same priority.

Supported Clients

  • Sabnzbd
  • Nzbget
  • NZBVortex
  • Pneumatic
    • Website: None at this time
    • Streaming Add-on for XBMC.
  • DownloadStation
  • UsenetBlackhole
    • Puts NZB into a folder to be picked up by an external tool. Will watch another folder to check for completed downloads.
  • Deluge
  • TorrentBlackhole
    • Puts .torrent files into a folder, to be picked up by an external tool. Will watch another folder to check for completed downloads.
  • Transmission
  • uTorrent
    • Version 3.0 or newer required. Requires Web UI (located in Preferences -> Advanced) enabled.
    • Website: uTorrent
  • rTorrent
    • Requires rTorrent version 0.9.0 or newer compiled with XML-RPC support, and a SCGI to HTTP proxy (usually Lighttpd, Nginx, or Apache; ruTorrent can also provide this on on the URL plugins/rpc/rpc.php). Look for ruTorrent instructions for how to set up rTorrent.
    • Website: rTorrent
  • qBittorrent
    • Requires qBittorrent 3.2.4 or higher.
    • Website: qBittorrent
  • Vuze
    • Requires Vuze or higher
    • Website: Vuze
  • DownloadStation
  • Hadouken


  • Readarr is only able to set the seed ratio/time on clients that support setting this value via their API when the torrent is added. See the table below for client compatibility.
Client Ratio Time
Deluge Yes -
Hadouken - -
qBittorrent Yes Yes
rTorrent - -
Torrent Blackhole - -
Download Station - -
Transmission Yes Idle Limit [1]
uTorrent Yes Yes
Vuze Yes Yes

[1] Transmission internally has an Idle Time check, but Readarr compares it with the seeding time if the idle limit is set on a per-torrent basis. This is done as workaround to Transmission’s api limitations.

Completed Download Handling

Completed Download Handling is how Readarr imports media from your download client to your series folders. Many common issues are related to bad Docker paths and/or other Docker permissions issues.

  • Enable - Automatically import completed downloads from the download client
  • Remove - Remove completed downloads when finished (usenet) or stopped/complete (torrents)

Remove Completed Downloads

  1. Readarr will send a download request to your client, and associate it with a label or category name that you have configured in the download client settings.
  2. Readarr will monitor your download clients active downloads that use that category name. It monitors this via your download client's API.
  3. When the download is completed, Readar will know the final file location as reported by your download client. This file location can be almost anywhere, as long as it is somewhere separate from your media folder.
  4. Readarr will scan that completed file location for book files. It will parse the file name to match it to a book. If it can do that, it will rename the file according to your specifications, and move it to the assigned library folder.
  5. Leftover files from the download will be sent to your trash or recycling.

If you download using a BitTorrent client, the process is slightly different:

  • Completed files are left in their original location to allow you to seed. When files are imported to your assigned library folder Readarr will attempt to hardlink the file or fall back to copy (use double space) if hard links are not supported.
  • If the "Completed Download Handling - Remove" option is enabled in settings, Readarr will delete the original file and torrent from your client, but only if the client reports that seeding is complete and torrent is stopped.

Failed Download Handling

Failed Download Handling is compatible with SABnzbd and NZBGet.

There are a couple components that make up the failed download handling process:

  1. Check Downloader:
    • Queue - Check your downloader's queue for password-protected (encrypted) releases
    • History - Check your downloader's history for failure (eg. not enough to repair, or extraction failed)
    • When Readarr finds a failed download it starts processing them and does a few things:
    1. Adds a failed event to Readarr's history
    2. Removes the failed download from Download Client to free space and clear downloaded files (optional)
    3. Starts searching for a replacement file (optional)
  2. Blacklisting Allows automatic skipping of nzbs when they fail, this means that nzb will not be automatically downloaded by Readarr ever again (You can still force the download via a manual search).

There are 2 advanced options (on 'Download Client' settings page) that control the behavior of failed downloading in Readarr, at this time, they are all on by default.

  • Redownload - Controls whether or not Readarr will search for the same file after a failure
  • Remove - Whether or not the download should automatically be removed from Download Client when the failure is detected

Remote Path Mappings

Remote Path Mapping acts as a dumb find Remote Path and replace with Local Path This is primarily used for either merged local/remote setups using mergerfs or similar or is used for when the application and download client are not on the same server.

One of our amazing community members have created an excellent guide to help you out if you think remotte path mapping is what will work for you here The guide is for Radarr but all concepts are exactly the same for Readarr

Import Lists


Import Lists are a part of Lidarr that allow you to follow a given list creator. Let's say that you follow a given list creator on Trakt/TMDb and really like their R&B list section and want to listen every song on their list. You look in your Lidarr and realize that you don't have those artists. Well instead of searching one by one and adding those items and then searching your indexers for those artists. You can do this all at once with a List. The Lists can be set to import all the artists on that curator's list as well as be set to automatically assign a quality profile, automatically add, and automatically monitor that artist.

CAUTION: If lists are done improperly they will absolutely wreck your library with a bunch of trash you have no intention of listening to. So make sure of what you're importing before you click save. ie. physically look at the list before you even go to Lidarr.

  • Here you can select the + button to open a new pop up window
    • From this new window you are presented with many different options to set up your list from many different list providers. As stated before be careful when doing lists. It is highly recommended to not select the Search on add button before you're absolutely sure the list you select/setup is adding the Artists that you're looking for.
    • Once you've selected the list provider that you're looking to pull from (such as Spotify or You'll be presented with a new window.
      • Most of the lists settings are fairly self explanatory, some lists require you to authenticate with the provider such as Spotify (requiring you to have an account with

List Exclusions

  • Import List Exclusion - This allows you to prune your list of movies you don't want to see again. An example of this is if your list just so happens to contain a movie that is in a foreign language and it is not likely for you to ever find this movie in your native language and do not want to watch it with subtitles. You can exclude a movie from being added in the future. However, in the list exclusion section you can add it back to the list so that when the list runs again it will be readded to your library.



Connections are how you want Readarr to communicate with the outside world.

  • By pressing the + button you'll be presented with a new window which will allow you to configure many different endpoints
    • There are many different endpoints
      • Boxcar
      • Custom scripts - This allows you to make a custom script for when a particular action happens this script will run
      • Discord - By far one of the most common ways to push notifications of actions happening on your Lidarr
      • Notifiarr - The brainchild of one of the Lidarr developers allowing you to have beautiful discord notifications with very fine tuned control. Constantly being updated and a favorite amongst many of the Lidarr team.
      • Email - Simply send yourself or somebody you want to annoy with email. If you're using Gmail, you need to enable less secure apps. If you're using Gmail and have 2-factor authentication enabled you need to use an App Specific password.
        • You can use a "pretty address" like SomePrettyName <
      • Emby
      • Gotify
      • Join
      • Kodi - Kodi spawned from the love of media. It is an entertainment hub that brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customisable and runs on a wide variety of devices. It is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and a huge community.
        • By adding Kodi as a connection you can update Kodi's library when a new movie has been added to Lidarr
      • Plex Media Server - The server for your self hosted Plex system, Enabling this is much like Kodi will allow you to push an update to your plex server notifying it that a new/upgraded movie is available
      • Prowl
      • Pushbullet
      • Pushover
      • Sendgrid
      • Slack
      • Subsonic
      • Synology Indexer
      • Telegram
      • Twitter


Metadata Provider Source


Write Metadata to Audio Files


Metadata Consumers



  • The tag section is for Readarr is simply used to see what tags you have used and what {{{MEDIA}}}s have that tag associated to it.
  • Tags can be useful to limit certain aspects of Readarr to a specific {{{MEDIA}}}



  • Binding Address - Valid IP4 address or '*' for all interfaces
    • or * - any address can connect
    • or localhost - only localhost applications can connect
    • Any other IP (e.g. - only that IP ( can connect
  • Port Number - The port number that you are wanting to use to access the webUI for Lidarr
    • Note: If using Docker do not touch
  • URL Base - For reverse proxy support, default is empty
    • Note: If using a reverse proxy (example: you would enter '/lidarr' for URL Base.
  • Enable SSL - If you have SSL credentials and would like to secure communication to and from your Lidarr enable this option.
    • Note: do not mess with unless you know what you're doing


  • Authentication - How would you like to authenticate to access your Lidarr instance
    • None - You have no authentication to access your Lidarr
      • Typically if you're the only user of your network, do not have anybody on your network that would care to access Lidarr or your Lidarr is not exposed to the web
    • Basic (Browser pop-up) - This option when accessing your Lidarr will show a small pop-up allowing you to input a Username and Password
    • Forms (Login Page) - This option will have a familiar looking login screen much like other websites have to allow you to log onto your Lidarr
  • API Key - This is how other programs would communicate or have Lidarr communicate to other programs. This key if given to the wrong person with access could do all kinds of things to your library. This is why in the logs the API key is redacted
  • Certificate Validation - Change how strict HTTPS certification validation is


  • Proxy - This option allows you to run the information your Lidarr pulls and searches for through a proxy. This can be useful if you're in a country that does not allow the downloading of Torrent files


  • Log level - Probably one of the most useful troubleshooting tools
    • Info - This is the most basic way that Lidarr gathers information this will include very minimal amount of information in the logs.
      • This log file contains fatal, error, warn and info entries.
    • Debug - Debug will include all the information that Info includes plus more information that can be useful.
      • This log files contains fatal, error, warn, info and debug entries
    • Trace - The most advance and detailed logging on Lidarr, Trace will include all the information gathered by Info and Debug and more. This is the most common type of log that is going to be asked for when troubleshooting on Discord or Reddit. If you're needing help please select your log to Trace and redo the task that was giving you problems to capture the log.
      • This log files contains fatal, error, warn, info, debug and trace entries.


  • Analytics - Send anonymous usage and error information to Lidarr's servers (Servarr). This includes information on your browser, which Lidarr WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.


  • Branch - This is the branch of Lidarr that you are running on.
  • Automatic - Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates. Note: Windows Users are always automatically updated.
  • Mechanism - Use Lidarr's built-in updater or a script
    • Built-In - Use Lidarr's own updater
    • Docker - Do not update Lidarr from inside the Docker, instead pull a brand new image with the new update
    • Script - Have Lidarr run the update script


The backup section allows you to tell Lidarr how you would like for it to handle backups

  • Folder - This allows you to select the backup location
    • In docker you will be limited to what you allow the container to see
    • Paths are relative to the appdata folder; if necessary, you can set an absolute path to backup outside of the appdata folder
  • Interval - How often would you like Lidarr to make a backup
  • Retention - How long would you like Lidarr to hold on to each backup. After a new backup is made the oldest backup will be removed



In this section you can manipulate some features of the calendar

  • First Day of Week - Here you can select what you think the first day of the week should be.
  • Week Column Header - Here you can select the header for the columns


  • Short Date Format - How do you want Readarr to display short dates?
  • Long Date Format - How do you want Readarr to display long format dates?
  • Time Format - Do you want a 12hr or 24hr format?
  • Show Relative Dates - Do you want Readarr to show relative (Today/Yesterday/etc) or absolute dates?

