Troubleshooting Misc

From Servarr

This page is used for the misc items needed for the specificity of each of the ARRs that do not cross between them

Testing a search


Just like the indexer/tracker test above, when you trigger a search while at Debug or Trace level logging, you can get the URL used from the log files. While testing, it is best to use as narrow a search as possible. A manual search is good because it is specific and you can see the results in the UI while examining the logs.

In this test, you’ll be looking for obvious errors and running some simple tests. You can see the search used the url ", which you can try yourself in a browser after replacing (removed) with your apikey for that indexer. Does it work? Do you see the expected results? In that URL, you can see that it set specific categories with 2000, so if you’re not seeing expected results, this is one likely reason. If the movie isn’t properly categorized on the indexer, it will need to be fixed. Look at Manual Search XML Output below to see an example of a working query’s output. {{#spoiler:show=Manual Search XML Output|hide=Click here to Close|

coming soon


Just like the indexer/tracker test above, when you trigger a search while at Debug or Trace level logging, you can get the URL used from the log files. While testing, it is best to use as narrow a search as possible. A manual search is good because it is specific and you can see the results in the UI while examining the logs.

In this test, you’ll be looking for obvious errors and running some simple tests. You can see the search used the url,5040,5045,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=354629&season=1&ep=1, which you can try yourself in a browser after replacing (removed) with your apikey for that indexer. Does it work? Do you see the expected results? Does this FAQ entry apply? In that URL, you can see that it set specific categories with cat=5030,5040,5045,5080, so if you’re not seeing expected results, this is one likely reason. You can also see that it searched by tvdbid with tvdbid=354629, so if the episode isn’t properly categorized on the indexer, it will need to be fixed. You can also see that it searches by specific season and episode with season=1 and ep=1, so if that isn’t correct on the indexer, you won’t see those results. Look at Manual Search XML Output below to see an example of a working query’s output.


Coming Soon(tm)


Coming Soon(tm)




Wrong Show Type or Unknown Series

Unknown Series

This occurs due to one of two issues: either the series you are searching and Sonarr has found results for does not exist within Sonarr or more likely a scene (or xem) mapping is required. Please see this FAQ entry for details.

Wrong Show Type

The show type is another cause of poor search results. Most shows should be Standard. For daily shows which are typically released with a date, Daily should be used. Finally, there is anime where using Anime is usually right, but sometimes Standard can work better, so try the other one if you’re having issues.

Please note that if the series type is set to anime and none of your enabled indexers have any anime categories configured then it effectively skips the indexer and may appear that it is not searching.

Show Type Examples

Below are some example release names for each show type. The specific differentiating piece is noted in bold.


  • Some.Daily.Show.2021.03.04.1080p.HDTV.x264-DARKSPORT
  • A.Daily.Show.with.Some.Guy.2021.03.03.1080p.CC.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-null
  • DailyShow.2021.03.08.720p.HDTV.x264-NTb


  • The.Show.S20E03.Episode.Title.Part.3.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb
  • Another.Show.S03E08.1080p.WEB.H264-GGEZ
  • GreatShow.S17E02.1080p.HDTV.x264-DARKFLiX


  • Anime.Origins.E04.File.4_.Monkey.WEB-DL.H.264.1080p.AAC2.0.AC3.5.1.Srt.EngCC-Pikanet128.1272903A
  • [Coalgirls] Human X Monkey 148 (1920x1080 Blu-ray FLAC) [63B8AC67]
  • [KaiDubs] Series x Title (2011) - 142 [1080p] [English Dub] [CC] [AS-DL] [A24AB2E5]



Code Blocks


Code Block 1

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (rss)

Code Block 2

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (search)


Code Block 1

19-11-12 13:27:28.8|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed,5040,5045,5080,5070&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100
19-11-12 13:27:28.8|Trace|HttpClient|Req: [GET],5040,5045,5080,5070&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100
19-11-12 13:27:28.8|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
19-11-12 13:27:29.9|Trace|HttpClient|Res: [GET],5040,5045,5080,5070&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100: 200.OK (1093 ms)
19-11-12 13:27:30.0|Trace|NewznabRssParser|Parsed: Shetland.S04E06.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264.1-Cinefeel-Obfuscated
19-11-12 13:27:30.0|Trace|NewznabRssParser|Parsed: James.Corden.2019.11.11.Kate.Beckinsale.1080p.WEB.x264.1-TBS-Obfuscated
19-11-12 13:27:30.0|Trace|NewznabRssParser|Parsed: [BakedFish] Black Clover (2017) - 109 [720p][AAC]
19-11-12 13:27:30.0|Trace|Http|Res: 108939 [POST] /api/v3/indexer/test: 200.OK (1404 ms)
19-11-12 13:27:30.0|Debug|Api|[POST] /api/v3/indexer/test: 200.OK (1404 ms)

Code Block 2

19-11-20 13:15:23.6|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [The Fix : S01E01]
19-11-20 13:15:23.6|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed,5040,5045,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=354629&season=1&ep=1
19-11-20 13:15:23.6|Trace|HttpClient|Req: [GET],5040,5045,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=354629&season=1&ep=1


Code Block 1

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (rss)

Code Block 2

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (search)


Code Block 1

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (rss)

Code Block 2

Need to add logs of feed downloaded and parsed (search)

Trace Logs Example



