System status

From Servarr





This page contains a list of health checks errors. These health checks are periodically performed performed by Radarr and on certain events. The resulting warnings and errors are listed here to give advice on how to resolve them.


This page contains a list of health checks errors. These health checks are periodically performed performed by Sonarr and on certain events. The resulting warnings and errors are listed here to give advice on how to resolve them.


This page contains a list of health checks errors. These health checks are periodically performed performed by Lidarr and on certain events. The resulting warnings and errors are listed here to give advice on how to resolve them.


This page contains a list of health checks errors. These health checks are periodically performed performed by Readarr and on certain events. The resulting warnings and errors are listed here to give advice on how to resolve them.

System Warnings

  • Update to .NET Core version
    • Newer versions of Radarr are targeted for .NET. We will likely no longer be providing legacy mono builds after 3.1 is released. You are running one of these legacy builds but your platform supports .NET.
    • Fixing Docker installs
      • Re-pull your container
    • Fixing Standalone installs
      • Back-Up your existing configuration before the next step.
      • This should only happen on Linux hosts. Do not install .net core runtime or SDK from microsoft. To remedy, download the correct build for your architecture. Please note that the links are for the master branch. If you are on develop or nightly you'll need to adjust /master/ in the URL.
      • Delete your existing binaries (contents or folder of /opt/Radarr) and replace with the contents of the .tar.gz you just downloaded.
        • wget --content-disposition '' Download the .net binaries. The example is for a x64 (AMD64) installation.
          • For most users, this would be .linux-core-x64.tar.gz selected via arch=x64 in the url. For ARM use arch=arm and for ARM64 use arch=arm64
        • sudo systemctl stop radarr Stop Radarr
        • sudo mv /opt/Radarr /opt/Radarr.old Backup the old Binaries
        • tar -xvzf Radarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Extract the Radarr Tarball
        • sudo mv Radarr/ /opt Move the new Radarr Binaries
        • sudo chown -R radarr:radarr /opt/Radarr Ensure Radarr has permissions to its directory, this assumes it runs as the user radarr
        • sudo rm -rf /opt/Radarr.old Remove the old binaries
        • sudo rm -rf Radarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Remove the Tarball
        • Update your startup script in your systemd ( sudo nano -e /etc/systemd/system/radarr.service) to call Radarr instead of calling it with mono like mono --debug Radarr.exe. In other words you want, as an example, /opt/Radarr/Radarr and not mono --debug /opt/Radarr/Radarr.
        • systemctl daemon-reload Reload the Systemd Files
        • sudo systemctl start radarr.service Restart Radarr
  • Currently installed mono version is old and unsupported
    • Radarr is written in .Net and requires Mono to run on very old ARM processors.
    • Mono 5.8 is the absolute minimum for Radarr but Mono 5.20 is currently recommended and is the minimum requirement on nightly builds.
    • The upgrade procedure for Mono varies per platform.
  • New update is available
    • Rejoice, the developers have released a new update. This generally means awesome new features and squashed piles of bugs (right?). Apparently you don’t have Auto-Updating enabled, so you’ll have to figure out how to update on your platform. Pressing the Install button on the System -> Updates page is probably a good starting point.
    • (This warning will not appear if your current version is less than 14 days old)
  • Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update
    • Radarr detected that AppData folder for your Operating System is located inside the directory that contains the Radarr binaries. Normally it would be C:\ProgramData for Windows and, ~/.config for linux.
    • Please look at System -> Info to see the current AppData & Startup directories.
    • This means Radarr will be unable to update itself without risking data-loss.
    • If you’re on linux, you’ll probably have to change the home directory for the user that is running Radarr and copy the current contents of the ~/.config/Radarr directory to preserve your database.
  • Branch is for a previous version
    • The update branch setup in Settings/General is for a previous version of Radarr, therefore the instance will not see correct update information in the System/Updates feed and may not receive new updates when released.
  • Could not connect to signalR
    • signalR drives the dynamic UI updates, so if your browser cannot connect to signalR on your server you won’t see any real time updates in the UI.
    • The most common occurrence of this is use of a reverse proxy or cloudflare
    • Cloudflare needs websockets enabled.
    • Nginx requires the following addition to the location block for the app:
 proxy_http_version 1.1;
 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
 proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
    • For Apache2 reverse proxy, you need to enable the following modules: proxy, proxy_http, and proxy_wstunnel. Then, add this websocket tunnel directive to your vhost configuration:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]
    • For Caddy (V1) use this:
      • Note: you'll also need to add the websocket directive to your radarr configuration
 proxy /radarr {
  • Proxy Failed Test
    • Your configured proxy failed to test successfully, review the HTTP error provided and/or check logs for more details.
  • System Time is off by more than 1 day
    • System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected
    • Review your system time and ensure it is synced to an authoritative time server and accurate
  • Mono Legacy TLS enabled
    • Mono 4.x tls workaround still enabled, consider removing MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy environment option
  • Mono and x86 builds are ending
    • Mono and x86 builds will no longer be supported in the next build of the application. If you are receiving this error then you are running the mono version of the application or the x86 version. Unfortunately, due to increasing difficulting in development support for these legacy versions we will be discontinuing their support and thus releases for them going forward. Thus it is advised you upgrade to a supported Operating System that does not require neither x86 nor mono. You may also be able to explore using Docker for your needs.

  • Currently installed .Net Framework is old and unsupported
    • Sonarr uses the .Net Framework. We need to build Sonarr against the lowest supported version still used by our users. Occasionally we increase the version we build against to be able to utilize new features. Apparently you haven't applied the appropriate Windows updates in a while and need to upgrade .Net to be able to use newer versions of Sonarr.
    • Upgrading the .Net Framework is very straightforward on Windows, although it often requires a restart. Please follow the instructions here.
  • Currently installed mono version is old and unsupported
    • Sonarr is written in .Net and requires Mono to run. Various versions of Sonarr have different minimum versions of Mono to operate correctly. The ideal version of Mono varies per platform.
    • Mono 5.4 is the absolute minimum for Sonarr v3 but Mono 5.20 is currently recommended.
    • The upgrade procedure for Mono varies per platform.
  • Currently installed mono version is supported but upgrading is recommended
    • Sonarr uses the .Net Framework which Mono implements for your system. We need to build Sonarr against the lowest supported version still used by our users. Upgrading to newer versions allows us to build against newer versions and use new Framework features.
    • The upgrade procedure for Mono varies per platform.
  • New update is available
    • Rejoice, the developers have released a new update. This generally means awesome new features and squashed piles of bugs (right?). Apparently you don't have Auto-Updating enabled, so you'll have to figure out how to update on your platform. Pressing the Install button on the System -> Updates page is probably a good starting point. But while you're at it, read the change log to find out what the relevant changes were.
    • (This warning will not appear if your current version is less than 14 days old)
  • Updating will not be possible to prevent deleting AppData on Update
    • Sonarr detected that AppData folder for your Operating System is located inside the directory that contains the Sonarr binaries. Normally it would be C:\ProgramData for Windows and, ~/.config for linux.
    • Please look at System -> About to see the current AppData & Startup directories.
    • This means Sonarr will be unable to update itself without risking data-loss.
    • If you're on linux, you'll probably have to change the home directory for the user that is running Sonarr and copy the current contents of the ~/.config/Sonarr directory to preserve your database.
  • Package Maintainer Message
    • Please refer to the specific message your package maintainer is indicating to you. This is not a Sonarr issue. For additional information, refer to your package maintainer. Your package maintainer can be found in System -> Status -> About. Note that this includes docker and your package maintainer is whomever maintains your docker image.
  • Proxy Failed Test
    • Your configured proxy failed to test successfully, review the HTTP error provided and/or check logs for more details.
  • System Time is off by more than 1 day
    • System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected
    • Review your system time and ensure it is synced to an authoritative time server and accurate
  • Mono Legacy TLS enabled
    • Mono 4.x tls workaround still enabled, consider removing MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy environment option

  • Update to .NET Core version
    • Newer versions of Lidarr are targeted for .NET Core. We provide legacy mono builds for those platforms that cannot use .NET Core. You are running one of these legacy builds but your platform supports .NET Core.
    • Fixing Docker installs
      • Re-pull your container
    • Fixing Standalone installs
      • Back-Up your existing configuration before the next step.
      • This should only happen on Linux hosts. Do not install .net core runtime or SDK from microsoft. To remedy, download the correct build for your architecture. Please note that the links are for the develop branch. If you are on nightly you'll need to adjust /develop/ in the URL.
      • Delete your existing binaries (contents or folder of /opt/Lidarr) and replace with the contents of the .tar.gz you just downloaded.
        • wget --content-disposition '' Download the .net binaries. The example is for a x64 (AMD64) installation.
          • For most users, this would be .linux-core-x64.tar.gz selected via arch=x64 in the url. For ARM use arch=arm and for ARM64 use arch=arm64
        • sudo systemctl stop lidarr.service Stop Lidarr
        • sudo mv /opt/Lidarr /opt/Lidarr.old Backup the old Binaries
        • tar -xvzf Lidarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Extract the Lidarr Tarball
        • sudo mv Lidarr/ /opt Move the new Lidarr Binaries
        • sudo chown -R lidarr:lidarr /opt/Lidarr Ensure Lidarr has permissions to its directory, this assumes it runs as the user lidarr
        • sudo rm -rf /opt/Lidarr.old Remove the old binaries
        • sudo rm -rf Lidarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Remove the Tarball
        • Update your startup script ( sudo nano -e /etc/systemd/system/lidarr.service) to call Lidarr instead of calling it with mono like mono --debug Lidarr.exe. In other words you want, as an example, /opt/Lidarr/Lidarr and not mono --debug /opt/Lidarr/Lidarr.
        • systemctl daemon-reload Reload the Systemd Files
        • sudo systemctl start lidarr.service Restart Lidarr
  • Mono version is less than 5.8, upgrade for improved stability
    • Lidarr is written in .Net and requires Mono to run. Versions of 3.10 and above resolved various stability issues we experienced in the past and is considered the minimum supported version.
    • Mono version 5.x and higher are also available and provides a better experience on certain platforms.
    • See "Update to .NET Core version above"
  • New update is available
    • Rejoice, the developers have released a new update. This generally means awesome new features and squashed piles of bugs (right?). Apparently you don’t have Auto-Updating enabled, so you’ll have to figure out how to update on your platform. Pressing the Install button on the System -> Updates page is probably a good starting point.
    • (This warning will not appear if your current version is less than 14 days old)
  • Branch is for a previous version
    • The update branch setup in Settings/General is for a previous version of Lidarr, therefore the instance will not see correct update information in the System/Updates feed and may not receive new updates when released.
  • Could not connect to signalR
    • signalR drives the dynamic UI updates, so if your browser cannot connect to signalR on your server you won’t see any real time updates in the UI.
    • The most common occurrence of this is use of a reverse proxy or cloudflare
    • Cloudflare needs websockets enabled.
    • Nginx requires the following addition to the location block for the app:
 proxy_http_version 1.1;
 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
 proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
    • Make sure you do not include proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; as suggested by the nginx documentation. THIS WILL NOT WORK
    • See
    • For Apache2 reverse proxy, you need to enable the following modules: proxy, proxy_http, and proxy_wstunnel. Then, add this websocket tunnel directive to your vhost configuration:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]

Lidarr can use chromaprint audio fingerprinting to identify tracks. This depends on an external binary, which is distributed with Lidarr for Windows and macOS, but must be provided independently on Linux.

To fix this on a native Linux instance, install the appropriate package using your package manager and make sure that fpcalc is on your PATH (this can be checked using which fpcalc and verifying that the correct location of fpcalc is returned):

Distribution Package
Debian/Ubuntu libchromaprint-tools
Fedora/CentOS chromaprint-tools
Arch chromaprint
OpenSUSE chromaprint-fpcalc
Synology chromaprint
  • Proxy Failed Test
    • Your configured proxy failed to test successfully, review the HTTP error provided and/or check logs for more details.
  • System Time is off by more than 1 day
    • System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected
    • Review your system time and ensure it is synced to an authoritative time server and accurate
  • Mono Legacy TLS enabled
    • Mono 4.x tls workaround still enabled, consider removing MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy environment option

  • Update to .NET Core version
    • Newer versions of Readarr are targeted for .NET Core. We provide legacy mono builds for those platforms that cannot use .NET Core. You are running one of these legacy builds but your platform supports .NET Core.
    • Fixing Docker installs
      • Re-pull your container
    • Fixing Standalone installs
      • Back-Up your existing configuration before the next step.
      • This should only happen on Linux hosts. Do not install .net core runtime or SDK from microsoft. To remedy, download the correct build for your architecture. Please note that the links are for the master branch. If you are on develop or nightly you'll need to adjust /master/ in the URL.
      • Delete your existing binaries (contents or folder of /opt/Readarr) and replace with the contents of the .tar.gz you just downloaded.
        • wget --content-disposition '' Download the .net binaries. The example is for a x64 (AMD64) installation.
          • For most users, this would be .linux-core-x64.tar.gz selected via arch=x64 in the url. For ARM use arch=arm and for ARM64 use arch=arm64
        • sudo systemctl stop readarr Stop Readarr
        • sudo mv /opt/Readarr /opt/Readarr.old Backup the old Binaries
        • tar -xvzf Readarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Extract the Readarr Tarball
        • sudo mv Readarr/ /opt Move the new Readarr Binaries
        • sudo chown -R readarr:readarr /opt/Readarr Ensure Readarr has permissions to its directory, this assumes it runs as the user readarr
        • sudo rm -rf /opt/Readarr.old Remove the old binaries
        • sudo rm -rf Readarr*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz Remove the Tarball
        • Update your startup script ( sudo nano -e /etc/systemd/system/readarr.service) to call Readarr instead of calling it with mono like mono --debug Readarr.exe. In other words you want, as an example, /opt/Readarr/Readarr and not mono --debug /opt/Readarr/Readarr.
        • systemctl daemon-reload Reload the Systemd Files
        • sudo systemctl start readarr.service Restart Readarr
  • Mono version is less than 5.2, upgrade for improved stability
    • Readarr is written in .Net and requires Mono to run. Versions of 3.10 and above resolved various stability issues we experienced in the past and is considered the minimum supported version.
    • Mono version 5.x and higher are also available and provides a better experience on certain platforms.
    • See "Update to .NET Core version above"
  • New update is available
    • Rejoice, the developers have released a new update. This generally means awesome new features and squashed piles of bugs (right?). Apparently you don’t have Auto-Updating enabled, so you’ll have to figure out how to update on your platform. Pressing the Install button on the System -> Updates page is probably a good starting point.
    • (This warning will not appear if your current version is less than 14 days old)
  • Branch is for a previous version
    • The update branch setup in Settings/General is for a previous version of Lidarr, therefore the instance will not see correct update information in the System/Updates feed and may not receive new updates when released.
  • Could not connect to signalR
    • signalR drives the dynamic UI updates, so if your browser cannot connect to signalR on your server you won’t see any real time updates in the UI.
    • The most common occurrence of this is use of a reverse proxy or cloudflare
    • Cloudflare needs websockets enabled.
    • Nginx requires the following addition to the location block for the app:
 proxy_http_version 1.1;
 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
 proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
    • Make sure you do not include proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; as suggested by the nginx documentation. THIS WILL NOT WORK
    • See
    • For Apache2 reverse proxy, you need to enable the following modules: proxy, proxy_http, and proxy_wstunnel. Then, add this websocket tunnel directive to your vhost configuration:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]
  • Proxy Failed Test
    • Your configured proxy failed to test successfully, review the HTTP error provided and/or check logs for more details.
  • System Time is off by more than 1 day
    • System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected
    • Review your system time and ensure it is synced to an authoritative time server and accurate
  • Mono Legacy TLS enabled
    • Mono 4.x tls workaround still enabled, consider removing MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy environment option

Download Clients

  • No download client is available
    • A properly configured and enabled download client is required for Radarr to be able to download media. Since Radarr supports different download clients, you should determine which best matches your requirements. If you already have a download client installed, you should configure Radarr to use it and create a category. See Settings -> Download Client.
  • Unable to communicate with download client
    • Radarr was unable to communicate with the configured download client. Please verify if the download client is operational and double check the url. This could also indicate an authentication error.
    • This is typically due to improperly configured download client. Things you can typically check:
      • Your download clients IP Address if its on the same bare metal machine this is typically
      • The Port number of that your download client is using these are filled out with the default port number but if you've changed it you'll need to have the same one entered into Radarr.
      • Ensure SSL encryption is not turned on if you're using both your Radarr instance and your download client on a local network. See the SSL FAQ entry for more information.
  • Download clients are unavailable due to failure
    • One or more of your download clients is not responding to requests made by Radarr. Therefore Radarr has decided to temporarily stop querying the download client on it’s normal 1 minute cycle, which is normally used to track active downloads and import finished ones. However, Radarr will continue to attempt to send downloads to the client, but will in all likeliness fail.
    • You should inspect System->Logs to see what the reason is for the failures.
    • If you no longer use this download client, disable it in Radarr to prevent the errors.
  • Enable Completed Download Handling
    • Radarr requires Completed Download Handling to be able to import files that were downloaded by the download client. It is recommended to enable Completed Download Handling.
    • (Completed Download Handling is enabled by default for new users.)
  • Docker bad remote path mapping
    • This error is typically associated with bad docker paths within either your download client or Radarr
      • An example of this would be:
        • Download client: Download Path: /downloads:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Radarr: Download Path: /data:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Within this example the download client places its downloads into /downloads and therefore tells Radarr when its complete that the finished movie is in /downloads. Radarr then comes along and says "Okay, cool, let me check in /downloads" Well, inside Radarr you did not allocate a /downloads path you allocated a /data path so it throws this error.
        • The easiest fix for this is CONSISTENCY if you use one scheme in your download client, use it across the board.
        • Team Radarr is a big fan of simply using /data.
          • Download client: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Radarr: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Now within the download client you can specify where in /data you'd like to place your downloads, now this varies depending on the client but you should be able to tell it "Yeah download client place my files into." /data/torrents (or usenet)/movies and since you used /data in Radarr when the download client tells Radarr it's done Radarr will come along and say "Sweet, I have a /data and I also can see /torrents (or usenet)/movies all is right in the world."
      • There are many great write ups by some very talented people one on our wiki Docker Guide and the other by TRaSH with his How To Set Up Hardlinks and Atomic-Moves Now these guides place heavy emphasis on Hardlinks and Atomic moves, but the general concept of containers and how path mapping works is the core of these discussions.

See TRaSH's Remote Path Guide for more information.

  • Downloading into Root Folder
    • You're downloading directly into your root folder. This frequently causes issues and is not advised. To fix this change your download client so it is not placing downloads within your root folder. Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.
  • Bad Download Client Settings
    • The location your download client is downloading files to is causing problems. Check the logs for further information. This may be permissions or attempting to go from windows to linux or linux to windows without a remote path map.
  • Permissions Error
    • Radarr or the user radarr is running as cannot access the location your download client is downloading files to. This is typically a permission issue.

  • No download client is available
    • A properly configured and enabled download client is required for Sonarr to be able to download media. Since Sonarr supports different download clients, you should determine which best matches your requirements. If you already have a download client installed, you should configure Sonarr to use it and create a category. See Settings -> Download Client.
  • Unable to communicate with download client
    • Sonarr was unable to communicate with the configured download client. Please verify if the download client is operational and double check the url. This could also indicate an authentication error.
    • This is typically due to improperly configured download client. Things you can typically check:
      • Your download clients IP Address if its on the same bare metal machine this is typically
      • The Port number of that your download client is using these are filled out with the default port number but if you've changed it you'll need to have the same one entered into Sonarr.
      • Ensure SSL encryption is not turned on if you're using both your Sonarr instance and your download client on a local network. See the SSL FAQ entry for more information.
  • Download clients are unavailable due to failure
    • One or more of your download clients is not responding to requests made by Sonarr. Therefore Sonarr has decided to temporarily stop querying the download client on it's normal 1 minute cycle, which is normally used to track active downloads and import finished ones. However, Sonarr will continue to attempt to send downloads to the client, but will in all likeliness fail.
    • You should inspect System->Logs to see what the reason is for the failures.
    • If you no longer use this download client, disable it in Sonarr to prevent the errors.
  • Downloading into Root Folder
    • You're downloading directly into your root folder. This frequently causes issues and is not advised. To fix this change your download client so it is not placing downloads within your root folder. Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.
  • Bad Download Client Settings
    • The location your download client is downloading files to is causing problems. Check the logs for further information. This may be permissions or attempting to go from windows to linux or linux to windows without a remote path map.
  • Permissions Error
    • Sonarr or the user sonarr is running as cannot access the location your download client is downloading files to. This is typically a permission issue.

  • No download client is available
    • A properly configured and enabled download client is required for Lidarr to be able to download media. Since Lidarr supports different download clients, you should determine which best matches your requirements. If you already have a download client installed, you should configure Lidarr to use it and create a category. See Settings -> Download Client.
  • Unable to communicate with download client
    • Lidarr was unable to communicate with the configured download client. Please verify if the download client is operational and double check the url. This could also indicate an authentication error.
    • This is typically due to improperly configured download client. Things you can typically check:
      • Your download clients IP Address if its on the same bare metal machine this is typically
      • The Port number of that your download client is using these are filled out with the default port number but if you've changed it you'll need to have the same one entered into Lidarr.
      • Ensure SSL encryption is not turned on if you're using both your Lidarr instance and your download client on a local network. See the SSL FAQ entry for more information.
  • Download clients are unavailable due to failure
    • One or more of your download clients is not responding to requests made by Lidarr. Therefore Lidarr has decided to temporarily stop querying the download client on it’s normal 1 minute cycle, which is normally used to track active downloads and import finished ones. However, Lidarr will continue to attempt to send downloads to the client, but will in all likeliness fail.
    • You should inspect System->Logs to see what the reason is for the failures.
    • If you no longer use this download client, disable it in Lidarr to prevent the errors.
  • Enable Completed Download Handling
    • Lidarr requires Completed Download Handling to be able to import files that were downloaded by the download client. It is recommended to enable Completed Download Handling.
    • (Completed Download Handling is enabled by default for new users.)
  • Docker bad remote path mapping
    • This error is typically associated with bad docker paths within either your download client or Lidarr
      • An example of this would be:
        • Download client: Download Path: /downloads:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Lidarr: Download Path: /data:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Within this example the download client places its downloads into /downloads and therefore tells Lidarr when its complete that the finished song is in /downloads. Lidarr then comes along and says "Okay, cool, let me check in /downloads" Well, inside Lidarr you did not allocate a /downloads path you allocated a /data path so it throws this error.
        • The easiest fix for this is CONSISTENCY if you use one scheme in your download client, use it across the board.
        • Team Lidarr is a big fan of simply using /data.
          • Download client: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Lidarr: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Now within the download client you can specify where in /data you'd like to place your downloads, now this varies depending on the client but you should be able to tell it "Yeah download client place my files into." /data/torrents (or usenet)/audio and since you used /data in Lidarr when the download client tells Lidarr it's done Lidarr will come along and say "Sweet, I have a /data and I also can see /torrents (or usenet)/audio all is right in the world."
      • There are many great write ups by some very talented people one on our wiki Docker Guide and the other by TRaSH with his How To Set Up Hardlinks and Atomic-Moves Now these guides place heavy emphasis on Hardlinks and Atomic moves, but the general concept of containers and how path mapping works is the core of these discussions.
  • Downloading into Root Folder
    • You're downloading directly into your root folder. This frequently causes issues and is not advised. To fix this change your download client so it is not placing downloads within your root folder. Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.
  • Bad Download Client Settings
    • The location your download client is downloading files to is causing problems. Check the logs for further information. This may be permissions or attempting to go from windows to linux or linux to windows without a remote path map.
  • Permissions Error
    • Lidarr or the user lidarr is running as cannot access the location your download client is downloading files to. This is typically a permission issue.

  • No download client is available
    • A properly configured and enabled download client is required for Readarr to be able to download media. Since Readarr supports different download clients, you should determine which best matches your requirements. If you already have a download client installed, you should configure Lidarr to use it and create a category. See Settings -> Download Client.
  • Unable to communicate with download client
    • Readarr was unable to communicate with the configured download client. Please verify if the download client is operational and double check the url. This could also indicate an authentication error.
    • This is typically due to improperly configured download client. Things you can typically check:
      • Your download clients IP Address if its on the same bare metal machine this is typically
      • The Port number of that your download client is using these are filled out with the default port number but if you've changed it you'll need to have the same one entered into Readarr.
      • Ensure SSL encryption is not turned on if you're using both your Readarr instance and your download client on a local network. See the SSL FAQ entry for more information.
  • Download clients are unavailable due to failure
    • One or more of your download clients is not responding to requests made by Readarr. Therefore Readarr has decided to temporarily stop querying the download client on it’s normal 1 minute cycle, which is normally used to track active downloads and import finished ones. However, Readarr will continue to attempt to send downloads to the client, but will in all likeliness fail.
    • You should inspect System->Logs to see what the reason is for the failures.
    • If you no longer use this download client, disable it in Readarr to prevent the errors.
  • Enable Completed Download Handling
    • Readarr requires Completed Download Handling to be able to import files that were downloaded by the download client. It is recommended to enable Completed Download Handling.
    • (Completed Download Handling is enabled by default for new users.)
  • Docker bad remote path mapping
    • This error is typically associated with bad docker paths within either your download client or Readarr
      • An example of this would be:
        • Download client: Download Path: /downloads:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Readarr: Download Path: /data:/mnt/user/downloads
        • Within this example the download client places its downloads into /downloads and therefore tells Radarr when its complete that the finished book is in /downloads. Readarr then comes along and says "Okay, cool, let me check in /downloads" Well, inside Readarr you did not allocate a /downloads path you allocated a /data path so it throws this error.
        • The easiest fix for this is CONSISTENCY if you use one scheme in your download client, use it across the board.
        • Team Readarr is a big fan of simply using /data.
          • Download client: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Readarr: /data:/mnt/user/data
          • Now within the download client you can specify where in /data you'd like to place your downloads, now this varies depending on the client but you should be able to tell it "Yeah download client place my files into." /data/torrents (or usenet)/books and since you used /data in Readarr when the download client tells Readarr it's done Readarr will come along and say "Sweet, I have a /data and I also can see /torrents (or usenet)/books all is right in the world."
      • There are many great write ups by some very talented people one on our wiki Docker Guide and the other by TRaSH with his How To Set Up Hardlinks and Atomic-Moves Now these guides place heavy emphasis on Hardlinks and Atomic moves, but the general concept of containers and how path mapping works is the core of these discussions.
  • Downloading into Root Folder
    • You're downloading directly into your root folder. This frequently causes issues and is not advised. To fix this change your download client so it is not placing downloads within your root folder. Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.
  • Bad Download Client Settings
    • The location your download client is downloading files to is causing problems. Check the logs for further information. This may be permissions or attempting to go from windows to linux or linux to windows without a remote path map.
  • Permissions Error
    • Readarr or the user readarr is running as cannot access the location your download client is downloading files to. This is typically a permission issue.

Completed/Failed Download Handling

  • Completed Download Handling is disabled
    • (This warning is only generated for existing users before when the Completed Download Handling feature was implemented. This feature is disabled by default to ensure the system continued to operate as expected for current configurations.)
    • It’s recommended to use Completed Download Handling since it provides better compatibility for the unpacking and post-processing logic of various download clients. With it, Radarr will only import a download once the download client reports it as ready.
    • If you wish to enable Completed Download Handling you should verify the following: * Warning: Completed Download Handling only works properly if the download client and Radarr are on the same machine since it gets the path to be imported directly from the download client otherwise a remote map is needed.

  • Completed Download Handling is disabled
    • (This warning is only generated for existing users before when the Completed Download Handling feature was implemented. This feature is disabled by default to ensure the system continued to operate as expected for current configurations.)
    • It’s recommended to use Completed Download Handling since it provides better compatibility for the unpacking and post-processing logic of various download clients. With it, Sonarr will only import a download once the download client reports it as ready.
    • If you wish to enable Completed Download Handling you should verify the following: * Warning: Completed Download Handling only works properly if the download client and Sonarr are on the same machine since it gets the path to be imported directly from the

  • Completed Download Handling is disabled
    • (This warning is only generated for existing users before when the Completed Download Handling feature was implemented. This feature is disabled by default to ensure the system continued to operate as expected for current configurations.)
    • It’s recommended to use Completed Download Handling since it provides better compatibility for the unpacking and post-processing logic of various download clients. With it, Lidarr will only import a download once the download client reports it as ready.
    • If you wish to enable Completed Download Handling you should verify the following: * Warning: Completed Download Handling only works properly if the download client and Lidrr are on the same machine since it gets the path to be imported directly from the download client otherwise a remote map is needed.

  • Completed Download Handling is disabled
    • (This warning is only generated for existing users before when the Completed Download Handling feature was implemented. This feature is disabled by default to ensure the system continued to operate as expected for current configurations.)
    • It’s recommended to use Completed Download Handling since it provides better compatibility for the unpacking and post-processing logic of various download clients. With it, Readarr will only import a download once the download client reports it as ready.
    • If you wish to enable Completed Download Handling you should verify the following: * Warning: Completed Download Handling only works properly if the download client and Readarr are on the same machine since it gets the path to be imported directly from the download client otherwise a remote map is needed.





  • Missing root folder
    • This error is typically identified if a Movie is looking for a root folder but that root folder is no longer available.
      • If you would like to remove this warning simply find the movie that is still using the old root folder and edit it to the correct root Folder
        1. Easiest way to find this is to go to the Movies (Library) Tab
        2. Create a custom filter with the old root folder path
        3. Select mass edit on the top bar and from the Root Paths drop down select the new root path that you want these movies to be moved to.
        4. Next you'll receive a pop-up that states Would you like to move the movie folders to '<root path>' ? This will also state This will also rename the movie folder per the movie folder format in settings. Simply select No if the you do not want Radarr to move your files
  • Missing root folder
    • This error is typically identified if a series is looking for a root folder but that root folder is no longer available.
      • If you would like to remove this warning simply find the series that is still using the old root folder and edit it to the correct root folder
        1. Go to the Series > Mass Editor Tab
        2. Create a custom filter with the old root folder path
        3. Once the series have been found find the Root Paths drop down and select the new root path that you want these series to be moved to.
        4. Next you'll receive a pop-up that states Would you like to move the series folders to '<root path>'? Simply select No if the you do not want Sonarr to move your files
  • Import List missing root folder
    • This error is typically identified if a list is looking for a root folder but that root folder is no longer available.
      1. Go to Settings > Import Lists
      2. Edit the import lists that were mentioned in the health check
      3. Save
  • Missing root folder
    • This error is typically identified if an artist is looking for a root folder but that root folder is no longer available.
      • If you would like to remove this warning simply find the artist that is still using the old root folder and edit it to the correct root folder
        1. Go to the Library > Mass Editor Tab
        2. Create a custom filter with the old root folder path
        3. Once the series have been found find the Root Paths drop down and select the new root path that you want these artists to be moved to.
        4. Next you'll receive a pop-up that states Would you like to move the artist folders to '<root path>'? Simply select No if the you do not want Lidarr to move your files
  • Missing root folder
    • This error is typically identified if an author is looking for a root folder but that root folder is no longer available.
      • If you would like to remove this warning simply find the author that is still using the old root folder and edit it to the correct root folder
        1. Go to the Library > Mass Editor Tab
        2. Create a custom filter with the old root folder path
        3. Once the series have been found find the Root Paths drop down and select the new root path that you want these authors to be moved to.
        4. Next you'll receive a pop-up that states Would you like to move the author folders to '<root path>'? Simply select No if the you do not want Readarr to move your files


  • Movie was removed from TMDb
    • The movie is linked to a TMDb Id that was deleted from TMDb, usually because it was a duplicate, wasn't a movie or changed ID for some other reason. Deleted movies will not receive any updates and should be corrected by the user to ensure continued functionality. Remove the movie from Radarr without deleting the files, then try to re-add it. If it doesn't show up in a search, check Radarr because it might be a TV miniseries like Stephen King's It.
    • You can find and edit deleted movies by creating a custom filter using the following steps: 1. Click Movies from the left menu 2. Click the dropdown on Filter and select “Custom Filter” 3. Enter a label, for example “Deleted Movies” 4. Make the filter as follows: Status is Deleted 5. Click save and select the newly created filter from the filter dropdown menu
  • Lists are unavailable due to failures
    • Typically this simply means that Radarr is no longer able to communicate via API or via logging in to your chosen list provider. Your best bet if the problem persists is to contact them in order to rule them out, as their systems maybe overloaded from time to time.
  • Series Removed from TheTVDB
    • The affected series were removed from TheTVDB, this usually happens because it is a duplicate or considered part of a different series. To correct you will need to remove the affected series and add the correct series.




Disk Space


  • This section will show you available disk space
    • In docker this can be tricky as it will typically show you the available space within your Docker image


  • This section will show you available disk space
    • In docker this can be tricky as it will typically show you the available space within your Docker image


  • This section will show you available disk space
    • In docker this can be tricky as it will typically show you the available space within your Docker image


  • This section will show you available disk space
    • In docker this can be tricky as it will typically show you the available space within your Docker image



This will tell you about your current install of Radarr


This will tell you about your current install of Radarr


This will tell you about your current install of Lidarr


This will tell you about your current install of Readarr

More Info




